#ForYourConsiderationFriday - The Collection!
Hey there, fellow Oscar fans!
For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed that, each Friday, I do a little hashtag called #ForYourConsiderationFriday, highlighting a past Oscar FYC ad. More often than not, it’s a vintage oldie, pulled from a past Hollywood Reporter or Variety, though I will, now and then, post a more recent ad if it piques my interest (hello, Best Supporting Actress hopeful Betty White in The Proposal).
Initially, I was merely doing this during the Oscar season itself. Eventually, I decided to make this a weekly thing - and will continue to do so moving forward.
This page will fulfill something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now - get these ads onto the blog, compiled into one place and categorized. I’ll keep this organized across nine fields - Best Picture/’All Categories’ (since countless films run one-pagers covering everything), Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Score/Song and the rest of the craft categories.
I’ll be including all of the FYC ads I’ve posted to Twitter (a total of 309 thus far) and will upload each Friday’s new one as I go along. The goal, of course, is to ultimately amass the motherlode of Oscar FYC ads, which sounds like the most prolonged of processes at one post/week but hey, that’s 52 ads/year = 520 ads/decade. Not bad! ;)